Grève des mineurs : un mort à Rustenburg – 20 février 2012

Man shot dead in South Africa mining clash


JOHANNESBURG — A man was shot dead in violent protests at the world’s biggest platinum mine owned by Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd. in South Africa on Sunday, a police spokesman said.

Seven people were injured in clashes at the No. 6 Shaft of the company’s operations near Rustenburg, in the North West Province, Brigadier Thulani Ngubane said by mobile phone Monday. About 5,000 people have gathered for demonstrations on the road between the mine and the Freedom Park township, he said.

“So far, they are still gathering,” Ngubane said. “Police are still monitoring the situation. There have been no arrests today.” There is no clear indication of how many police have been deployed to the area and there is no violence, intimidation or vandalism taking place, he said.

Impala fired 17,200 workers at the operation, which accounts for about 12 per cent of global production of platinum, by Feb. 2 after an illegal strike began. By Feb. 14 the disruption had lost output of 60,000 ounces of the metal worth about 1.2 billion rand ($156 million), Impala chief executive officer David Brown said Feb. 16.

“The situation at Impala is still tense,” Lesiba Seshoka, spokesman for the National Union of Mineworkers, said by phone. Some miners are returning to work and “we are expecting the number of workers to increase by the end of today. We are leaving the intimidation issue to the police, the police will sort it out.” Read more…

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~ par Alain Bertho sur 21 février 2012.

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