Emeute à Karranah – 18 août 2011

Six policemen hurt in clashes


Saturday, August 20, 2011

SIX policemen were injured, two of them seriously, while confronting rioters in Karranah on Thursday night. The Interior Ministry announced the injuries on its official Twitter account yesterday morning following a night of rioting in villages across the country.

Masked youths barricaded roads with bricks, cement blocks and overturned rubbish bins – hurling rocks at police dispatched to deal with the trouble.

However, sources inside the emergency services told the GDN yesterday that police were being routinely targeted on patrol – particularly in the past two weeks – by rioters who sometimes use women as shields. 

« When we enter villages, we don’t know if we will come out alive, » they said. « While going on duties, we always tell our families not to wait for us.

« The rioters throw stones, metal rods and sharp objects at us, which can kill any human.

« And what are we wearing for safety – a helmet and bullet-proof jacket in some cases.

« They have damaged our jeeps which were used for patrolling, but they are cowards – they attack us and run away.

« They come out only at night and hide in dark places. Read more…

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Karranah, the green village lies in the middle of the northern coast of the mother island of Bahrain, and is considered to be a part of the Northern Governorate. To the north it is bordered by farms and the sea shore. In the past, it was divided into very small villages that spread among the fields of palms; they were known as: Raqaa, Harbadya, Roozkan, Jubailat, Noorjraft, Karrana, and the Eye Kohl.

~ par Alain Bertho sur 20 août 2011.

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